Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill, the author of Think and Grow Rich, may be one of the greatest inspirational speakers of all-time (which is still in print in several versions, and has sold more than thirty million copies). Reading the book is one thing but listening to the man on audio CD is amazing. The enthusiasm, the passion and authority he commands can make any long trip skip by in a flash. I always leave the car energized and pumped-up to accomplish amazing things after listening to his tapes.

Many of these tapes I am referring to were recorded more than 50 years ago but they are as relevant as anything today and certainly more genuine than the so-called guru’s of modern personal-success literature.

I am not speaking about the audio CD of the book Think and Grow Rich but rather the actual recording of the lectures that Hill held around the country while rising to and after achieving prominence.

If I had to recommend one set of tapes, it would have to be Your Right to be Rich which includes inspiring lectures by Hill himself.

In these rare recordings on CD you will hear a complete and thorough exposition of Napoleon Hill’s philosophy as you listen to him interpret and amplify the 17 universal principles of success. These lectures are designed to motivate you and teach you the goals and strategies that will carry you to new heights of personal success. Before there was The Secret, Napoleon Hill was the father of success around the world.

The lectures in this audio, recorded in the 1950s, are fascinating glimpses into his steadfast, somewhat authoritarian, and eminently relevant teachings. Though his speaking style often has an overly aggressive quality, there’s something magical about hearing it. We are handed many gifts, Hill says, many opportunities for meaning, but we can tap into them only when we connect with the guiding force that put them there. We do this by dedicating ourselves to a single purpose in life, and paying daily attention to programming our subconscious minds. This is a seminal work on the basics of personal motivation.

For those of you that are not familiar with Hill’s work, I can tell you that he personally studied some of the most successful businessmen and leaders of his time, including but not limited to Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, George Eastman, Henry Ford, Elmer Gates, John D. Rockefeller, Charles M. Schwab, F.W. Woolworth, William Wrigley Jr., John Wanamaker, William Jennings Bryan, Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Charles Allen Ward and Jennings Randolph.

By listening and understanding the keys to success, you can achieve a level of mental self-mastery that will enable you consistently to:

  • Overcome fears to reach your achievements
  • Maintain self-discipline and self-confidence
  • Develop strong personal initiative
  • Focus your thoughts into clear plans of action
  • Mental skills needed to meet the challenge of transforming your ideas into realized accomplishments.
  • Discover proven strategies for bouncing back from failure.
  • Manage your time effectively.
  • Inspire others to work with you.

These teachings and recordings have helped with all aspects of my life including trading, business, marriage, personal relationships and my own emotional and mental makeup.

For further reading on Hill, please visit his wonderful page over at Wikipedia:
Napoleon Hill Biography

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill


  1. I followed your book link for Hill to Amazon but they showed no CD’s. Any idea where I might pick up some used versions?

    Appreciate your blogs and read them daily. Thank you for your insights.

  2. Art,
    Thank you for the kind words!

    Follow the link for the title: Your Right to be Rich for the CD’s I highly recommend.

    The audio for the Think and Grow Rich book is lower on the page (Audio CD) –> look for that!

  3. Thank you for recommending this CD and Napoleon Hill.

    I was looking at list of your recommended books, and was trying to find blog entries similar to this one in which you give a review explaining the value of the product/book, or use information from the book. Just a personal suggestion – I would definitely be find it helpful if you could put links to such blog entries from the list of recommended books!

    Thanks again for your educational and informative posts.

  4. I know what you mean Chris. I read that book nearly 4 years ago and it was inspiring and was a help in motivating me to get my website built. I didn’t realize there were recording available. I’ll pick them up. I could use some inspiration these days.. thanks

  5. Ross Cornwell says

    The version of “Think and Grow Rich” you show on your web page ( is actually an abridged version of Dr. Hill’s original book (first published in 1937) that has been available since the early 1960s.

    Instead of this abridged version, I hope you will consider mentioning and referring your readers to a new edition published by Aventine Press. It is “Think and Grow Rich!” (subtitled) “The Original Version, Restored and Revised” (ISBN 1593302002, Second Printing), edited by Ross Cornwell (me). This book consistently has a higher Amazon sales ranking than the version of TGR you now link to on your web page.

    This new 416-page trade paperback edition (versus 230 pages for other editions) has an appendix, extensive endnotes (more than 50 pages), and an index — features no other version of the book has ever had. The book has been restored to its complete original (1937) content, then “gently” edited and revised to eliminate errors, outdated terminology, and to change a few statements that today would be considered racially and otherwise offensive to most readers.

    The book is available on all the Amazon websites and most other online booksellers, can be ordered by any bookstore, and has now started appearing in bookstores throughout the world.

    If you would like to learn more about this project, a brief visit to will give you some details. The “Editor’s Foreword” provides more complete information, and the “Testimonials” page will demonstrate how well-received this new book is around the world. Here is the book’s page:

    This new edition of TGR! is superior in every way to other versions on the market. It looks better, feels better, reads better. If you examine “Think and Grow Rich!: The Original Version, Restored and Revised,” I think you will see why we believe it will soon become the favorite version among Napoleon Hill devotees, entrepreneurs, and other students of success and high achievement.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Sincerely yours,

    Ross Cornwell, Editor

  6. L. Thompson says

    Dear Chris,
    About the “power of thought.” If thinking alone could get me there, then lottery winners would rule the world.

    But scientific studies show lotteries ARE truly random. So there’s gotta’ be more because people who perceive themselves as “lucky” DO BETTER (empirically) than those who think “the world rains on me.” (except in a lottery)

    My conclusion is “it’s our perception that shapes the world.” “What I perceive is what I get.” The reason being that those who perceive themselves lucky see opportunities others don’t. Magical thinking doesn’t cut it. Use magical thinking in the stock market and be prepared for a buzz-cut.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Your fan,
    L. Thompson

  7. L. Thompson,
    Not sure what point you are making in your post.
    The book is about taking action, not wishing.

    You must think before you take action. That is the formula. Without action (a formulated plan), no one will achieve anything.

    Wish-full thinking is for dreamers. Taking action is for doers; however they need the right frame of mind to push forward during tough times.


  8. Hey there chris,
    I like what you have put together here .. That post about the new version of napolian hills book think and grow rich, I didn’t know that till now.. I am simply looking for free audio chapters of the original book for addition to my mentoring program

  9. If you love “Think And Grow Rich” you’re REALLY going to love this!

    My name is Robert Jakobsen and I am a film/movie producer.

    I have just completed a MOVIE of “Think And Grow Rich” produced directly from Napoleon Hill’s original book.

    I have completed (3) Chapters so far. They are:
    Chapter 1 “Thoughts Are Things” – Chapter 2 “Desire” – Chapter 3 “Faith.”

    Giving away 20 FREE TGR MOVIE scenes for 10-days to get some feedback. Check it out!


  1. […] Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill […]

  2. […] great way to pass the time in the car!  (I have to thank Chris Perruna for the heads up on the audio set Your Right to Be Rich).  Keep in mind this is not a recitation of the book, but rather of lectures he did around the […]

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